Baotian Falcon

The Falcon 50 is the first 2 stroke model offered in the UK by Baotian.

Baotian Falcon F.50 for £1299.00 OTR

Editor David Hooper gives a Chinese-made Baotian Falcon scooter a try.

New for 2010 the Falcon 50 is the first 2 stroke model offered in the UK by Baotian. The powerful 2 stroke air cooled engine ensures this model has

Baotian Falcon
BAOTIAN FALCON 50 £1399.00

baotian falcon
BAOTIAN FALCON 50 £1399.00. BAOTIAN EAGLE 50 £1299.00

Manufacturers | Baotian | Baotian Falcon | Engine | Carburettors

Baotian Falcon 50|2 Stroke 50cc Scooter|Baotian Dealers
BAOTIAN FALCON 50 £1399.00
BAOTIAN FALCON 50CC SCOOTER on eBay (end time 26-Dec-10 13:05:25 GMT)
BAOTIAN FALCON 50 Yellow Available from Peterborough Motorcycles

Baotian Falcon 50 2 Stroke scooter / moped on eBay (end time 16-Mar-11 18:34:30 GMT)

Picture of Baotian BT motorbike.

Baotian Falcon 50

Baotian Falcon BT49QT-28 1180.00 € - Mopot - Ajoneuvot - Huuto.net


Picture of Baotian BT motorbike 3th view.